Nominations have now opened for the 2025 Alberta Muirhead Teacher of the Year Students’ Choice Award. This annual award is sponsored by the Dearborn Area Chamber of Commerce and presented by LaFontaine Automotive Group. The nomination deadline is Friday,...
Class News

Happening this Week!
Our PTO is hosting a popcorn sale! Each bag will be $1 and will be presold Monday-Thursday and popcorn will be delivered on Friday, January 31st Girls Basketball Tryouts will be this Wednesday, January 29th in our school gym from 4:00pm-5:15pm (students should have a...

Girls’ Basketball Tryouts
Due to the cold weather day, the tryouts for our girls' basketball team have been moved. The new date is Wednesday, January 29, 2025. Tryouts begin at 4:00pm and students should have a ride to pick them up at 5:15pm. Tryouts are for students in grades 3rd, 4th, and...

Gleaners Food Distribution
Our monthly food distribution through Gleaners will be held Wednesday, December 18th.

Holiday Spirit Week
This week we're in the SPIRIT of the holidays at Henry Ford. Your child can participate by following this calendar:

Bronco Bulletin-December Edition
Wrapping up the 1st half of the school year with our Bronco Bulletin. Click HERE to read what's happening in December!
Family Virtual Learning Survey
In case of school closure and the need to switch to remote learning (i.e. power outage), we would like to have a plan to support families and students. Please complete this survey if you are in need of a Chromebook or access to technology. In case of an unexpected...
Volunteers sought for possible Book Reconsideration committees
As it does annually now, Dearborn Public Schools is taking applications from parents, staff, community members and high school students interested in serving on a Book Reconsideration Committee. Those volunteering to serve on a committee are agreeing to read a school...

Spots still available for free preschool program at Henry Ford
Spots are still available at select district locations for the free Great Start Readiness Program preschool. Openings are available at Oakman, McCollough, Henry Ford, Salina and Cotter Early Childhood Center. An enrollment event is scheduled for Aug. 27 at...
District paid preschool program holding open houses Friday, Aug. 23
Looking for high-quality paid preschool? Dearborn Schools Early Childhood Program is holding open houses on Friday, Aug. 23, 2024 at all of the locations offering Developmental Preschool. Open houses will run from noon to 1:30 p.m. at each location. Developmental...